RAFPay: More Than Funds, It’s About Dignity and Support
In South Africa, most personal injury claims stem from traumatic road accidents causing serious injuries, disabilities, or fatalities. Fortunately, the Road Accident Fund (RAF) is there to provide compensation to […]
The Anatomy of Bridging Finance: How RAFPay Bridges the Gap
Car accidents are a harsh reality for many South Africans and often result in severe injuries, permanent disabilities, or even fatalities. In South Africa, where we witness more than 800,000 […]
Empowering Attorneys: Accelerating Contingency Fee Income with Taurus Capital
South Africa sees more than 800,000 road accidents every year, one of the highest rates in the world. But beyond just the numbers, being in a serious car accident is […]
MASSIV METRO interview
Massiv Metro Interview: How to claim from the RAF
RAFPay Algoa FM interview
Algoa FM chatted to our CEO Elad Smadja about how RAFPay is helping RAF claimants with an upfront cash advance on their court orders. Listen to the full interview here: […]
Driver Behaviour Has To Change!
Smile FM chatted to our CEO Elad Smadja about the RAF process. Listen to the full interview here: https://echocast.fabrik.fm/wBnyG9YyKp83mw